The Challenge
Moore Family Medicine, P.A. is headed by Dr. Thomas Leonard and Marcia Ballard, FNP. The practice separated out from under management by the local hospital and needed a new name, identity, signage, and way to communicate to the faithful patrons, “that business with the same quality of family care would continue.”
The Solution
A Logo.
The hand within a hand represents the full range of family members cared for, accompanied by the name in a clean, easy-read font. The slogan – “caring for your family” – reinforces the root concept of full-family care.
A Sign.
The Moore Family Medicine business has been a staple in Carthage, NC. In fact, the park behind the business (The Nancy Kiser Park) was named in honor of its first community care provider, Ms. Nancy Kiser (who still visits the facility.)
AdJourney designed and managed construction of a sign that would be an asset to this landmark facility.
The best compliment in the look and feel of things done to the exterior, comes from the residents that live closest. The neighbor across the street who always maintains a fantastic landscaping came over to tell the practice, “Thank you for the improvements to your landscaping. It looks real nice. Real nice.”
We couldn’t have said it better.
A Postcard.
MFM needed a postcard to alert the patrons that even though there were some changes taking place, there were a lot of things that were going to be staying the same.