
Building Brands that grab attention, engage, remain memorable & retain value.

1:1 Consulting

Business Consulting

1 to 1 engagement that addresses and solves the problems being faced.


Giving Brands presence & relevance to target markets thru effective storytelling.



Helping businesses unpack the BEST way to effectively communicate for connection.


What We Do


AdJourney works with businesses to help them define their purpose in the industry, discover their niche and core message (voice), identify and understand their target market (customers), and establish actionable goals and the means to achieve their objectives.


Positioning is the core of a brand’s identity. It is by its very nature, the definition of the brand. It defines what sets the brand apart – benefits, market advantage and value to the consumer. More than a simple visual, the brand positioning is how the product (goods, ideas or services) of a particular company is viewed in the minds of its competitors and consumers. It is the brands emotional link in the marketplace.
strategy - positioning

Consumer Profiles

A Consumer Profile is a fundamental discovery work that provides a detailed perspective of the target audience for a specific brand. It outlines and defines their personality, pain points, behaviors and demographics –  and provides insights into needs the brand can address with their product, the channels of optimum engagement, and language to best communicate the brand story for relevance to their situation.

Product Diversification

Product Diversification comes about through discovery of new opportunities by studying client segments and market needs. Recognizing their pain points and unfulfilled needs provides guidance on developing new products and services for growth.

Strategy : Product Differentiators

Brand Details

Brand Details are the characteristic attributes of a brand that make it unique. Much like if you were to ask someone to describe a person – there are the physical elements (appearance) and the intrinisic elements (qualities that reveal personality, manner and function.) The same is true of a Brand. These traits are exemplified in branding through the use of imagery, language, sounds, actions, etc to help us identify the brand and convey the “feeling” of the brands “personality.”

Competitor Analysis

Competitor Analysis is a means of mapping and defining the competitve field to thoroughly understand what segments are being addressed – by whom and how. What language, what colors, what channels, what unique elements, what differentiators, etc. Understanding your competitive landscape gives you the most thorough grasp of your market, and how to intelligently reach the segment of target customers you pursue – most effectively.

Competitor Positioning Assesment