
Building Brands that grab attention, engage, remain memorable & retain value.

1:1 Consulting

Business Consulting

1 to 1 engagement that addresses and solves the problems being faced.


Giving Brands presence & relevance to target markets thru effective storytelling.



Helping businesses unpack the BEST way to effectively communicate for connection.


Interaction - website for Carolina Eye Associates

What We Do


 An Interaction is any number of consumer touch points – where a customer comes in contact with a brand. While definitely a part of Branding, Interaction includes your virtual presence (Social Media, the internet and the digital landscape), your physical presence (facilities, trade show, signage, packaging) and your hand-offs (literature, catalogs, sales collateral, and advertising). Interaction is HOW a company presents itself to the connected world.

Virtual Presence

A brand’s Virtual Presence is the consumer touch point where the target audience engages with the brand in the digital space – which includes websites, social media platforms, and any other of the myriad digital landscapes. This is no longer “one” of the options to consider, but rather a primary part of most every business to consider a vital space to create a clear, defined presence.

Interactions - Virtual Interactions
Interaction : Weaver exterior

Physical Presence

While life can be seemingly consumed by digital engagement, living places us firmly in a physical environment. Experiences in the physical world (Interaction) shape engagement and perceptions. From intentionally designed lobbies of offices, engaging story-telling booths at trade shows, exterior signage of your storefront, to the packaging your product wears on shelves – your Physical Presence is crucial to a brand experience.

(Shown: Weaver Orthodontics + The Plumbing Knight)


The physical things a busines or brand provides to the marketplace are part of its Hand-Offs. Hand-offs are everything from business cards, literature, catalogs, sales collateral, posters, fliers, direct-mail pieces, posters and advertising.

HandOff : Business Cards