Unleash the Power of Story
Branding & Marketing are 2 sides of the same coin. Branding is used to shape your brand and define WHO you are in the marketplace. Marketing is used to promote the products (goods, ideas and services) of the brand – WHAT the brand offers. Defining your brand, is paramount to your marketing success!
The thing that makes your Branding & Marketing resonate and connect with the audience – is Story. It is what grabs their attention, creates connection, and moves them to action.
Define Your Brand
The playing field is NOT level. While we have access to many of the same platforms, trade shows and distribution channels… we are all not on equal ground. Fair is a social construct.
The competitive marketplace requires you gain your own advantage thru targeted Branding and effective Marketing. Provide your brand with legs, to makes it stand out in the crowd.
Let AdJourney help you build your Brand Strategy, develop your Brand Identity / Logo, and introduce your NEW brand to the marketplace with a Brand Launch.
Brand Strategy
Brand Strategy gives a company – a soul, personality, and competitive advantages. It helps a business to – define the brand’s meaning, and explain why it exists. Brand Strategy is the sweet spot between Branding, Business, Marketing and Design Thinking.
Brand Identity / Logo Design
A Visual Identity is the core to how a brand is represented in the marketplace. At the center of that is the Brand Identity or Logo. A Business should never constrain a brand by creating the visual identity before doing a Brand Strategy.
Brand Launch
A Brand Launch is your powerful first impression to the market served. It is introducing your new brand to your key audiences while managing the details of communication, timing and follow through. Such efforts are not left to happenstance, but careful planning early in the process.
A few of the manufacturing brands we’ve worked with…
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Firat Hicks
Founder of xyz.com
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Sarah Morrison
Founder of xyz.com
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Leland Bloggs
Founder of xyz.com
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Jessica Morrison
Founder of xyz.com
Why Choose Us?
AdJourney is a branding & marketing agency driven by transformation and growth. We believe a strong brand is fundamental to every successful business, especially in uncertain times like these. Strong brands drive market performance and boost company valuation. Having that base & telling that story well, are essential for strategic growth.
We create brands built for growth
Having a strong brand is the core of an effective business. Brand is NOT a cool logo, it’s the emotional connection to an ideal that reasonates to motivate employees, inspire customers, and drive economic value.
Your brand is your greatest business tool
A well made brand is insulation in the world of commerce. It holds market position, drives commercial value, shields from competitive threat, and accelerates market growth. Poorly defined, your greatest tool remains improperly leveraged.